Cloud Storage Security – How Secure is Your Data in The Cloud?

When everyone is in a hurry to store their online work on a digital platform, cloud storage comes as the next thought. Cloud-based storage is quite common these days, and it stores protect,s and control your documents, files, pictures, etc.

A wide range of business people and employees, and companies use cloud storage apps to store their data on computers. Storage security then becomes a matter of encrypted vitality to win cloud users’ confidence by protecting sensitive private data on the internet. Online storage security has some of its features. 

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Why is it important to have cloud storage security?

Cloud storage services work on the user servers model; in simple words, cloud security storage stores the files at another location/servers far away from the user. However, a person always can access the data in the cloud, no matter where he is. The management of private connected systems become easy.

Several cloud service providers protect your data loss through software and apps like Dropbox, Microsoft one drive, iDrive, google drive, box, iCloud, etc. In case of loss of storing personal stuff, these will restore it through a backup system.

Now, when you get cloud security, how it works becomes the next important part.

Encrypting the Cloud Storage

It secures the information and data of the users by using encryption. The data safe is first transmitted to the cloud storage, where the cloud providers encrypt the data and add the TLS protocol to protect it. Further, it provides the user with passwords. Only the authenticated person will be eligible to access the data using the secret key/passwords in the cloud services accounts. Whereas access to store data is denied to unwarranted and unauthenticated users. 

Two-factor authentication

This two-step verification will provide additional security to the user’s account/sign-in. Moreover, in this way, it shuns unauthorized access to the cloud storage space and makes sure data protection. This step provides you with a code that you receive according to your choice, like via SMS, email, phone calls, etc.

Client encryption

AES is the latest and secure algorithm service that provides data security and data remain protected and avoids any breaches of sensitive files. Even hackers could not spy or decrypt the file unless and until they get the encryption keys somewhere.

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Ransomware Protection

Ransomware Protection Cloud Storage

When there is digitalization, there will be hackers too. Malware attacks can leak your sensitive data and encrypt them, hence have access to all the secure data stored in the cloud. To avoid such attacks, they ask for a ransom to decrypt the files. 

So, to avoid such attacks, try to choose cloud data protection that secures you from ransomware. Some storage vendors give you protection for an unlimited time, while others have a specific duration, like a month or so.

Points to remember

Whenever you choose a cloud storage solutions like dropbox, look for several factors like

· Thoroughly read out the security policy of cloud solutions to store your data.

· Create a strong password and remember it by heart. Do not share the encryption keys with anyone.

· Look for a secure cloud computing service that provides ransomware protection. 

· Be up to date with the security and cloud storage news and apply it to your devices. 

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